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Maj vlastné webové stránky!https://www.weblahko.skMať svoje vlastné webové stránky nebolo nikdy jednoduchšie. S WebĽahko ich môžete mať aj Vy.
Pergola-system.skhttps://www.pergola-system.skVyrábame a montujeme kvalitné : pergola, bioklimatická pergola, zimná záhrada, zasklenie, terasy
E-shop ľahko & rýchlohttps://www.weblahko.skSystém WebĽahko ponúka moderné e-shop s podporou on-line platieb.
60 Conversations in Simple Slovak
Book 60 Conversations in Simple Slovak is book for learners of Slovak Language. The beginning is in English for explanation how to work with this book, but the rest is written entirely in Slovak plus at the end of each page there is translated some hard vocabulary. In the book are used words with high repetition, so the learner will acquire those words fast and naturally.
If you would like to buy the book and support my work, click here >
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